Geospatial Strategy launch - revisiting some of the questions raised

So, 4 weeks on from the launch of the geospatial strategy , and having written a light-touch reflection on the event and the strategy I thought I’d now surface some of the questions and more broadly policy ambitions asked by the (virtual) audience on the Remo virtual platform (that will become more familiar I am sure) that day. A public service if you like. (c) Remo I’ve taken a somewhat liberal rather than literal view of the questions, hacking them into sub-themes or subject areas. Of course, there are others but these are some of those that continue the conversation. Geospatial data , in particular open geospatial data, opening up data and maintaining that data was a prominent area of interest and concern. With the new PSGA and the launch of the OS DataHub on 1 st July the public sector has never had better access to OS data or greater opportunity to derive new insights. At the same time are cash-strapped local authorities able to co...